Nikita Gennadevich Lukhanin

Hi there! I'm a second-year Ph.D. student at the University of California, Berkeley. I have the privilege of working with Prof. Liwei Lin in the Liwei Lin Lab as well as Prof. Grigory Tikhomirov in the TI Lab.

Prior to this, I obtained a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering advised by Prof. Joaquín Rodríguez-López and Prof. Charles Schroeder from the University of Illinois. I also hold an Associate degree in Engineering Science from College of DuPage.

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nikitalukhanin [at] berkeley [dot] edu


Mar, 2024 I began working jointly with the TI Lab!
Jan, 2024 I started learning Chinese.
Jan, 2024 I passed the doctoral preliminary exam.
Aug, 2023 I started as a Ph.D. student in Lin Lab at UC Berkeley!
Mar, 2023 I won the NSF GRFP and the Berkeley Fellowship!


I am enjoy working on micro/nanoscience related projects. My research philosopy is to focus on interdisciplinary work that stems chemistry, material science, robotics, physics, and biology. My work currently spans this and consists of medical imaging, self assembled electronics/structures, and nanorobotics. If you are interested in collaboration, feel free to reach out!

The Electrolab: An open-source, modular platform for automated characterization of redox-active electrolytes
Inkyu Oh*, Michael A. Pence*, Nikita G. Lukhanin*, Oliver Rodríguez*, Charles M. Schroeder, Joaquín Rodríguez-López
Cell Devices, 2023


Automated Measurement of Electrogenerated Redox Species Degradation Using Multiplexed Interdigitated Electrode Arrays
Michael A. Pence, Oliver Rodríguez, Nikita G. Lukhanin, Charles M. Schroeder, Joaquín Rodríguez-López
ACS, 2022


Stolen from Jon Barron. Big thanks!